some talks, some emotions, some expressions & some silence

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Monday, 8 March 2010

At Last

A poem composed long back in an amalgamated emotion of sorrow and joy ..

At last the clock has turned, at last the warmth is fading
Among the woods of my neighbourhood, I stand to shed my leaves
Like moments drowned in wine, smoking away the past.

Me, my friend and a heart I love all will quench my thirst
Not to let me grow bold and brave but to water my nostalgia
But I am lost, in the search for warmth, in the search for smile.

Too many desires I have fulfilled, too many lives I have lived
Today this hour I wish for one hour more of my favorite emotions
One hour more of the time we smiled, of the time we grieved.

My soul, my fellows, the men I owe I here to admire me one last time
On my road to freedom, of the heat, the rain and the cold, I would dream
That one night, by the roadside, I am relishing with them the words I lost.

And the day next I will wait for the spring like an angel wearing green
Infant twigs will sooth my heart, remind me the autumn cold and blue
But the road ahead is too long to sit and talk, too short for a silent walk.


Anonymous said...

I really loved the last stanza :) I didn't understand the admiration part in the stanza before.

Harini Padmanabhan said...

Beautiful. Too long to sit and talk, too short for a silent walk. Nice. I really liked this line

Anonymous said...

I read this poem some twice or thrice..the more I read it..the more I like it!:) Stands out from the rest.